Pole (Position) Vault

By | February 20, 2009
Pole Position (arcade game)
Image via Wikipedia

One hundred fifty feet below the Earth, in an unused section of a limestone mine, one might be forgiven for not knowing what to expect. A mad scientist’s evil lair? A massive bomb shelter? Whatever fanciful speculation one might have, it would not be as incongruous as the booty stored in such a cave by O’Shea Ltd.

O’Shea stores over one million sealed game cartridges for the Atari 2600 and 7800 including titles such as Ms. Pac Man and Pole Position. GameSetWatch recently interviewed Bill Houlehan, O’Shea’s president. Houlehan spoke about the circumstances of O’Shea’s initial purchase of three million games in 1990, about the trends in sales, and recent price change.

We still have a working Commodore 64 in our closet, but if we had a 2600, this would be quite a temptation. Remaining games can be purchased from O’Shea’s website for $5 each.

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