Automatic Pancake Machine A Better Idea Than Mashed Potato Nozzle

By | July 22, 2012


We wrote recently about the possibility of 7-11 rolling out a mashed potato nozzle across the country (The Gloppee?). Clearly, the next step is to follow it up with the oatmeal and scrambled eggs nozzles. Now, Boing-Boing writes about a breakfast machine already in the wild that doesn’t look half bad – an automatic pancake machine. It seems that all you have to do is press a button and a perfectly formed pancake comes out. (Paging Dr. Pavlov…)  Commenters who have seen this (it seems that it is already common at Holiday Inn Express breakfasts), were mixed on the quality of the pancakes, but we approve. If anything, we need more robotic servants. 3 points to anyone who can submit a picture of a robotic sushi maker. We’re pretty sure robots and sushi go together in a sublime way.