Category Archives: Lame Excuses

Not Going Postal

Going to the Post Office is a pain in the neck. Our neighborhood is apparently so dangerous that they need thick plexiglass there. Some think it is to protect the postal workers from robberies…but we think it is to prevent angry customers from rushing the postal employees. The Associated Press recently reported that as part…

Tiggers Ain’t Such Wonderful Things

You go on vacation with your family to Disney World…one of the ‘Most Wonderful Places on Earth’, and a costumed man dressed as Tigger sucker punches your fourteen year old son. But at least you capture it on video. Tigger claims it was “self-defense”…and exactly what led up to the event in front of his…

Go-go? No, stop stop!

A Bangkok radio station’s attempt to entertain military troops by hiring a contingent of go-go dancers has been rebuffed by the leaders of Thailand’s coup. Said a military spokesman “We have to maintain the seriousness of the coup.” The Thai Ministry of Silly Walks was unavailable for comment.

Maternal Marijuana

Jessica Durham of Montana recently had her conviction upheld for giving her 18 month old daughter hits from a bong. (Former) friend Brandi Nichols testified that Durham encouraged photographs of her 18-month-old daughter with the water pipe and said Durham wanted to send the pictures to a marijuana magazine. Nothing like a proud mother taking…

Bad day, Sunshine

British commuters were bemused to discover that their trains were delayed due to clement weather. Apparently it was such a beautifully sunny day that a train driver was unable to use his mirror to check the platform for passengers embarking or disembarking. London trains have along history of odd excuses for service interruption including “leaves…