In other news, I’ll always be younger than my older brother

Smart My dad gave me one dollar bill ‘Cause I’m his smartest son, And I swapped it for two shiny quarters ‘Cause two is more than one! And then i took the quarters And traded them to Lou For three dimes-I guess he don’t know that three is more than two! Just them, along came…

Boston Globe Haunted By Ghost Of Its Former Self

While reading the Boston Globe last week, we were surprised to learn that Ghost trackers detect ‘presence’ in town building. Apparently, faced with plummetting profits, the Globe editors have begun to run old stories from the dear, departed Weekly World News. What else explains the breathless, credulous reporting of this story: The ghost trackers who…

Department of Defense runs out of email addresses

Apparently, the Department of Defense has run out of email addresses. In the flyer distributed throughout Baghdad announcing a reward for information on missing soldiers, tipsters are urged to send email to a email address( The military has apparently been using this address for some time, as it is mentioned in an article on…

iPod saves Soldier’s Life

A soldier on patrol in Iraq had his life saved by this iPod. An insurgent fired at him at close range. and he was hit where his iPod was in his jacket pocket. It slowed the bullet down enough that it didn’t completely penetrate his body armor, and he escaped unharmed. More info and pictures…

Equal takes on Splenda in Court

Next Monday, the maker of Equal will take the maker of Splenda to Federal District court in Philadelphia. Since Splenda was introduced in 1999, it has replaced Equal as the Number 1 artificial sweetener in the United States with 62 percent of the market. The case centers on Splenda’s advertising, which states “Made from sugar,…

Everything Including the Kitchen Sink

Someone placed a fake ad on Craigslist, inviting people to take whatever they wanted for free from a Tacoma, WA rental property. The owner, Laurie Raye, recently evicted her tenant and cleaned out the place. However, a phone call alerted her to the destruction caused. She found the outside trashed, the inside nearly gutted and…

Not Going Postal

Going to the Post Office is a pain in the neck. Our neighborhood is apparently so dangerous that they need thick plexiglass there. Some think it is to protect the postal workers from robberies…but we think it is to prevent angry customers from rushing the postal employees. The Associated Press recently reported that as part…

Britney and Michael

How long before young Ms. Spears(or is it still Mrs. Federline) shows up in Bahrain in a burka married to Michael Jackson? One of the enterprising scribes at an established and respected news source ought to set about to make this happen. If they can also adopt Anna Nicole Smith’s baby, we may be able…

There is Cell Service in Nicaragua?

Oliver Desofi, a 77-year old retired bank executive, has won a battle with Cingular…thanks to the efforts of the Sarasota Herald-Tribune. Cingular refused to remove more than $31,000 in roaming charges for calls that he said he never made. Desofi couldn’t have made these calls…as all the over 4,000 calls were made in Nicaragua…a place…

Tales of the Undead

We are not sure which is harder…trying to get yourself declared not dead when an organization thinks you are, or trying to convince an organization that your loved one has died and thus will not need them anymore… Sprint refuses to cancel the account of a man’s brother, who died suddenly in December. After over…